New Order of Breeding {RNG Italian Forum, RNG Reporter, RNG Utilities, RNG Guides, Pokémon Ultrasole & Ultraluna}

Votes taken by Drake™

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    The New Order of Breeding Team presents: Devon Studios!

    What is it?This is a fresh project started by Drakero & _Dragon and it's designed to be a meeting point for both veterans and rookies of Pokémon RNG abusing.

    About UsOn this website you can find the newest Lua Scripts and Tools, together with up to date Pokémon RNG guides.

    Future plansThis forum and its content is going to be closed down as soon as all the guides are migrated to the Devon Studios website. Devon Studios will be the supported platform for new content delivery about RNG in Pokémon games.

    Stay connected and join us!

    Official Discord channel
    Official Github repository
    Official Twitter account
    Official Instagram profile

    Edited by Dragon69 - 8/12/2021, 23:25
  2. .
    Aggiunta :)
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    Grazie per aver consultato questa guida, lo staff di New Order of Breeding č orgoglioso di proporre i propri contenuti a tutta l'utenza del forum. Ti invitiamo a consultare anche le altre guide riguardanti la 6Ş generazione e le discussioni dedicate alle Utilities.
    Non esitare ad utilizzare la nostra documentazione d'aiuto se hai problemi con le guide o non ti č chiara qualche meccanica legata all'RNG. Ti invitiamo quindi a cliccare sui tre link sottostanti se necessiti il nostro aiuto:

    RNG FAQs
    Consulta le domande frequenti sull'RNG Abusing per scoprire se hai sbagliato effettivamente qualcosa.
    Help Section
    In questa sezione hai la possibilitŕ di aprire una discussione per domandarci cosa non ti č chiaro riguardo ai contenuti proposti.
    Report Topic
    Non esitare a contattarci se hai trovato degli errori nei nostri contenuti.


    » Utilities

    » 6th Gen Guides

    SVeXchangeKeySAV + Mass Dumper

    Un "Mi Piace" č sempre apprezzato! thumbs_up_zpsp6fgemsy
    Clicca sull'immagine seguente per accedere all'Index Guide


    Edited by Drake™ - 21/8/2015, 00:17
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    The New Order of Breeding Team presents: Devon Studios!

    What is it?This is a fresh project started by Drakero & _Dragon and it's designed to be a meeting point for both veterans and rookies of Pokémon RNG abusing.

    About UsOn this website you can find the newest Lua Scripts and Tools, together with up to date Pokémon RNG guides.

    Future plansThis forum and its content is going to be closed down as soon as all the guides are migrated to the Devon Studios website. Devon Studios will be the supported platform for new content delivery about RNG in Pokémon games.

    Stay connected and join us!

    Official Discord channel
    Official Github repository
    Official Twitter account
    Official Instagram profile

    Edited by Dragon69 - 8/12/2021, 23:17
4 replies since 8/8/2009